spring equinox

Friday night we celebrated Spring Equinox.
Right on the balance of light and dark, halfway between Summer and Winter Solstice.
I have been impatient for my rise in energy since the first signs of Spring appeared - my own (lack of) energy became magnified as the flamboyance of Spring appeared all around me, particularly in my garden.
I expected to burst forward like bulbs pushing through the earth.
Instead I have been more tired than I have been all Winter. After two months of predawn rising for a joint session of yoga with Gunter, we both went for a slide in energy and perseverance; Gunter with a cold and I with an injured shoulder.
This slide coincided with the entrance of Spring and so I have felt out of kilter with the seasonal shift.

And then I recognised around the fire on Friday night that this feeling just might be an annual reoccurance.

Although there is a shift early in Spring, it is more subtle in me than it is in the world around me.
There are a few little projects germinating in my life right now, but there's really still not much to see for them. 
Seeds for our garden have been sown but are not in full swing yet.

It is really not until the equinox that I feel the noticeable rise in energy in myself.
It's always reassuring.

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