It's a note to myself.
>Show up
>Pay attention to what is good,true and beautiful.
>Speak the truth in love.
>Do not become attached to outcome.
A while back (hmm, possibly a couple of years) Miranda at posted about these simple guidelines for the parent of a Suzuki student.
In fact, reading Miranda's blog is where I was first introduced to the Suzuki method and what inspired me to begin. Kiaora Miranda.
Anyhow, as a beginner to learning music and having children learning an instrument, these guidelines have been a real support.
In the midst of a tricky practice, theirs or mine, all I need to do is look up, take a breath and rest my eyes on this shabby green note.
It reminds me to step back from obsessing about anything that is particularly challenging me at that moment.
It helps me to remember that it is their personal relationship with music that I want to nurture.
Once established, they can take full ownership over this relationship and what direction it goes in. The outcome will largely take care of itself once the foundation is established.
For now, I encourage self-responsibilty over their practice but acknowledge that support is necessary.
I support this relationship mostly by valuing it and loving them in it; by creating a positive, loving environment as much as possible where there is plenty of space for music in general and practice in particular.
I support them and the shabby green note supports me.
Actually they are fairly sound guidelines for life in general: show up, build a positive and loving relationship with yourself and the outcome will pretty much take care of itself.
show up, build a positive and loving relationship with yourself and the outcome will pretty much take care of itself.
ReplyDeletethats it!!!! <3
lots of love for you and the guntfamily