Of course, the news is that the girls are having a ball, hardly stopping to eat, playing long and hard with their cousins and their adorable big brother. Gunter is deeply happy with seeing his three children together.
As for me, well, there are no two ways about it, the first week was hard. As though I was still physically present in my life but emotionally dislocated from it. Like I imagine a scaled down outer body experience is. But as it is with these things time passed and I am out the other side.
The decision to stay here was a difficult one to make but I knew deeply that it was the best choice for right now, not only financially but because of the opportunities that come from claiming some solitutde in the midst of full-time family life. We've had quite a few changes in recent years and here was a chance to take a long, deep breath. A chance for other threads in the weave to be picked up.
In the rush that is our world, there are few corners for this stillness to settle.
It feels deeply rejuvenating.
It allows a newness to emerge.
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